Lucky Cat

Lucky Cat
Lucky Cat Welcomes You

Saturday, October 26, 2013

FALL 2013

Several people have nudged me nicely about my failure to update this blog.  My bad.  This then will be a long one, with a retrospective of the summer.

JUNE 2013 
I had another robin's nest right outside my dining room window.  I blocked that side of the yard so AJ couldn't terrorize the mom and babies.  They all made it just fine, but I was pretty nervous those first few vulnerable days they were out of the nest.  Robins don't exactly "fledge," but rather they walk around on the ground and get their bearings for a bit.  Two of them camped out on my front porch before they finally took flight and joined a big flock of them in the pine trees behind my house.

I've been doing some exploring on the country roads nearby and I came across this guy with some others including youngsters.  He was not happy with me and gave me the stink eye the whole time I shot photos.

I found an area with a bald eagle nest (another one!) and these two friendly horses close by.  A bit frustrating to photograph because of the wires, but you can see two adults in the trees and there were two chicks who successfully hatched.


This isn't a great photo but shows the vigilance of the parents in watching over their chicks and the size of the nest.
JULY 2013
July brought even more wildlife and afternoon rain, a welcome and frequent event in NoCo.
A beautiful double rainbow.
Timmy's mischief making continues.  Here he is, caught in the act of making a big mess with the seed I needed to patch some spots in the lawn.  His response to me reminded me of this kitty's reaction to being accused of wrong doing:
Sydney and Chicken continue to flourish as best buddies at The Gabriel Foundation (TGF).  Here they can be seen doing their a cappella singing routine.  It's hard to understand their language sometimes, but I suspect they are singing about white birds - pajaros blancos son bonitos!
This blue and gold macaw is a favorite of mine at TGF.  His name is Arthur and he is quite a feather picker, but beautiful nonetheless and so interactive with people.  He enjoys the special treats I bring him.
Pepe Juan Carlos continues to stay with us when his moms go on trips.  He and AJ are hilarious together and he fits right in with the cats as well.

This was something new this year - a western kingbird nest with four chicks.  They are apparently common but I hadn't seen them anywhere before.  I heard them first but didn't know where they were until mom and dad started complaining whenever I went into their corner of the back yard. 

More foals out with the aunties and moms now.  They are a joy to behold!
4th of July bald eagle desserts!
We had a great 4th of July BBQ at Stacie's house and I contributed the bald eagle heads for dessert!  We had two "swimming" pools, one shallow for the little dogs and one deeper for the big dogs and kids.  Everyone got to keep cool that way.
Nicholas in the big kid pool.
Sara and Emma Jane, aka "Little"
Logan resting after his romp in the pool.
Here's AJ hoping to find a scrap.
Here are AJ and Pepe resting after the big day.
Here are AJ, Timmy the cat and Pepe in a snuggie together.
August brought more events, including the two year anniversary of my move to Colorado.

I had a genuine Santa Maria BBQ for 20 with grilled tri tips, pinquito beans, salad, garlic bread and multiple desserts.  The big boys did the BBQ work and the little boys had water cannon fights.
Dodgers score!
Val the anniversary celebration hostess!