Lucky Cat

Lucky Cat
Lucky Cat Welcomes You

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Bear with young Aidan Patrick, his "brother"
Today I found out my beloved 12.5 year old cat Bear has cancer.  He began making a very odd sound while breathing, so in to the vet first thing this morning.  By the end of the day we were at Peak Vet Specialists with Dr. Ellen Miller.  She sedated him and scoped his nasal and upper respiratory tract.  A large tumor was revealed that was nearly blocking both passages.  She was almost sure it was lymphoma and pathology confirmed it.  He starts chemotherapy on Monday.  We will know within the first 3 weeks whether the drugs are working.  He will receive multiple drugs via IV once a week for three weeks and once every three weeks thereafter.  If successful, the tumor will shrink and he will have a remission that could even last a year.  If not, then we will revert to palliative measures until they don't work any more....
In a moment, we're reduced to grasping for months for him when I always took for granted that he would live to be at least 20.  It is devastating news.


  1. Oh Val, I'm so sorry to hear this. Please know that our thoughts are with you, Aidan and especially.

    Kay and Cindy

  2. That comment should have read "and especially with Bear" .


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