Lucky Cat

Lucky Cat
Lucky Cat Welcomes You

Sunday, May 12, 2013


First on the agenda was the Rocky Mountain Raptor Program's open house, with lots of big and small raptors on display.  The mission of RMRP is to rehabilitate and release, but those whose injuries will impair their survival are given lifetime care and some become educational ambassadors.  Here are some photos.

Juvenile Swainson's Hawk - my favorite raptor!

Same juvenile Swainson's - he's trying to look so fierce!

Great Horned Owl with Rocky Mountains as a backdrop.
Next it was out to explore a Bald Eagle nest.  While there I saw two Swainson's hawks wheeling and playing on the wind and a large red tailed hawk.  The baldies were the stars of the show, however, with Mom, Dad and at least one chick visible.  It is so thrilling to see these majestic creatures and to realize they have come back from the edge of extinction thanks to legislation prohibiting DDT.  Now if only hunters would use bullets without lead, another huge problem would be solved.  Actually, if hunters used cameras instead of bullets to get good shots, they would enrich the lives of many instead of destroying life to get food they can buy in a grocery store. 

Here is mom on the nest - long lenses and wind cause motion blur!  All three tripods were at home!

Here comes dad to watch out for his family.

Mom and dad looking at each other.

Dad keeping an eye on everything.  The nest is just a bit to the left.



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